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How Much Landscaping Rock Do I Really Need?
Landscaping rock emerged a winner of the 2020 and 2021 landscaping scene. And no wonder, from natural stone and river rocks, to pea gravel and

A New Year, a New Landscaping Business? Tips to Help You Get Started
The big lesson we learned in 2020 is that, when forced to stay home, the good people of Peel region turn to their landscapers to

How To Create Privacy In Your Garden
As the poet Robert Frost said: “Good fences make good neighbors.” We like to say: “Privacy makes GREAT neighbours.” We’re not talking about building an

Tips For Landscaping Around Your Hot Tub
Hot tub sales are through the roof these days, and with so many of us spending more time at home, it’s no wonder. Retailers are
Decorating With An Autumnal Theme
Whether you’re into Halloween, or just like a little fall decor, there are some fun, kid-friendly ways to jazz up your curb appeal. Even though

How To Use Natural Stone In Your Landscaping
One of the best things about heading out for a hike in the great outdoors is the natural landscape and how a dose of it