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2014 Backyard Design – 5 Simple Ideas
Backyard design, specifically susatinable designs are not as difficult as you think. In fact, here are 5 simple tips and ideas that we think will

Practical Tips to Burning Firewood
Did you know that one cord of wood burned as firewood provides the heat equivalent to that produced by burning 200 to 250 gallons of

Christmas Trees: Real vs Fake – What is better?
We hope that you enjoy this infographic on the ongoing debate of Christmas Trees: Real vs Fake. We had fun researching it and we hope
Free Firewood Sales – Is Burning Pallets OK?
You are tempted and it is hard to resist. On your drive home, you see companies posting signs saying Free Firewood on their property. You

Winter is coming! Is Your Lawn Prepared?
Fall has arrived, which means winter can’t be far behind. Autumn is the best time to do last minute lawn preparation to ensure your lawn

Polymeric Sand – A How to Install Video Although we’ve written about Polymeric Paver Sand in the past, seeing how someone does it just makes the job a little less stressful. One