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Guide to Winter Gardening In Mississauga And Beyond
Within the GTA, there are different zones for hardiness, but there’s one truth that is equal to all the areas: winter gardening isn’t easy! Snow,

Top 2 Mississauga Plants That Are Dangerous And More
Some plans can cause real problems to pets and people. We joke about plants like poison ivy and poison oak, but the reality is that
Basic Principles Of Landscape Design
Planning a new garden next Spring? Keep these principles of design in mind! When you think about your garden landscape, and changes you want to

How Many Tomatoes Does It Take To Can A Jar Of Tomatoes?
No, this is not the start of a good joke! There is nothing like the warm, bursting flavour of a home grown tomato. With the
The Real Cost Of Using Artificial Turf For Your Lawn
Tempting as low maintenance artificial turf might seem, there are issues to consider beyond aesthetics. A few days ago, a Toronto homeowner received a notice

All About Walkways And Paths
Whether at the front or in your backyard, walkways and paths add a lot to your landscape. When you stand on the curb of a