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Low Maintenance Ways To Up Your Curb Appeal
Whether you’re thinking of selling your home in the near future, or want to improve the look of your home for your own satisfaction, there
Is Mississauga Becoming A Wildlife Kingdom?
With critters ranging from racoons and skunks to rabbit, deer, fox and coyote, there’s more wildlife than ever to contend with in your backyard. Remember
Growing A Dog Friendly Garden
For those of us who love our four-legged friends, it can be hard to reconcile their rambunctious, digging ways with maintaining a beautifully landscaped garden.
March Break In Mississauga
Did you forget to book the kids into camp for March Break? Do you prefer to let them have real time off? Either way, you

Fresh Ideas For Your Mississauga Garden
Spring is on its way, so now is a great time to plan your garden for maximum enjoyment, all season long. The key with any

Ideas for Your Tiny Mississauga Garden
Gardens in Mississauga subdivisions aren’t necessarily tiny but for the most part, they’re not great expanses of green space either. That said, there is so