Mississauga Landscape + Garden Supplies

Business Hours:  8:00am to 5:00pm

Mississauga Landscape + Garden Supplies
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Autumn Gardening – 5 Awesome Tips for Planting in the Fall

While the evenings are cooler, the days are still warm, making autumn gardening a perfect time to start your winter preparations. Traditionally Spring is seen as the optimal season for planting, but that’s really a fallacy. Thanks to the summer warmed soil and more frequent rainfall of early fall, autumn gardening is far better for

Autumn Gardening – 5 Awesome Tips for Planting in the Fall Read More »


The Muck Truck – Indispensable Power Tool

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-j89i99′] Last year, we introduced the Muck Truck to you but with very little fanfare. This year, we are making more of an effort to let you guys know about this amazing power tool because we have heard from landscaping professionals who have said this

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Polymeric Sand – 14 Things You Should Know Before You Buy

Polymeric Sand is as ubiquitous to interlocking pavers as garden soil to gardening.  You need good garden soil to grow your vegetables and plans.  You need good polymeric sand to maintain the look and appearance of your landscape. Some naysayers will say that polymeric sand is a complete waste of money and that it isn’t

Polymeric Sand – 14 Things You Should Know Before You Buy Read More »